0 $Workfile: gsdgdi.rc $,$Revision: 1.15 $ 1002 FontSubstitutes 1003 PFM File Processing Error #%d (%s) 1004 ZScript32 1005 ResidentFonts 1006 ZPS 1007 PostScript,ZPS%d 1008 Softfonts 1009 SoftFont%d 1010 BitFlags 1011 Job Rotation 1012 Unusable Font '%s' found, tm.tmPitchandFamily: %#x\n 1013 Substituting '%s' for unusable font '%s'\n 1014 Substitute font %s is also unusable\n 1015 %s tm.tmPitchAndFamily: %#x\n 1016 Font '%s' is unusable font, there is no suitable replacement\n 1017 Courier New 1018 OpenPrinter %s Failed, LastError: %ld\nPlease re-start Windows and try again 1019 DocumentProperties Failed on %s, Argument: %d, Returned: %d 1020 GetPrinter failed, LastError = %ld\nPlease re-start Windows and try again